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Agreement to implement consulting services for R-WASH programme in East Sudan: 

We are pleased to announce the signing contract between RICOS Consulting and Acacia Water B.V. Netherlands to implement the R-WASH programme in Eastern Sudan. The project is funded by UNICEF – Regional office East Africa - with a consortium consisting of CES – consulting Engineers Salzgitter Germany and Acacia Water B.V. Netherlands, and MS consultancy PLC Ethiopia.

This programme aims at improving social cohesion in conflict-affected areas and communities in East Africa (Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan) through improved water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. Increased efficiency, affordability, and accessibility for equitable service delivery to refugees, IDPs, and host communities will contribute to a more peaceful co-existence between refugees, IDPs, and host communities. In this programme, RICOS Engineering will be responsible for managing the subproject in Eastern Sudan in collaboration with Acacia Water.

October 2021


Staff news 

We would like to welcome our new team member, Eng. Rayan Elhaj, who joined our team as a civil and water resources engineer. Wellcome Rayan to RICOS Engineering and we wish you a fruitfully and bright future with us.  

April 2022


R-WASH project news


Proactively engaging the host community and refugees in Wad Sharifey-#Kassala, building on their local knowledge, and addressing their concerns is critical for the success of UNICEF and UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency's Regional Open Program for R.WASH program. In May, RICOS ENGINEERING carried out hydrogeophysical surveys that explored groundwater potential along the #Gash River aquifer as well as Abualaga Wadi. The fieldwork was conducted jointly with experts from Acacia Water, the program’s lead consultant, and in partnership with HydroRift.The KfW -funded program is intended to provide climate-smart water supply and sanitation services for refugees and host communities in Uganda, Somalia, Ethiopia, and Sudan.UNICEF Sudan – اليونيسف في السودان #community #building #water

May 2022


Water and Energy for Food Grand Challenge


We would like to congratulate the first-ever Sudan-based winning innovators of the regional scale Water and Energy for Food Grand Challenge (WE4F) fund: SudaGarlic and Hydroponics Africa Limited.
WE4F supports environmentally sustainable innovations and SMEs aiming to improve energy and water efficiency in the food sector. The program provides winning innovators with technical assistance, investment facilitation, and financial grants up to 300,000 USD.
Our team is coordinating the program in Sudan, mapping potential candidates, and providing in-country support for innovators. For more information visit:
Mohamed Gismallah DR Peter Chege Gichuku

June 2022


R-WASH project news


As part of R-WASH project, a team from RICOS participated in 2-days consultation workshops on 11-12 of October 2022, in Khartoum. The workshops were facilitated by UNICEF Sudan – اليونيسف في السودان and aimed to disseminate and validate the findings of the engineering feasibility study in the two towns of el Girba and Wad Sherify in Kassala state.
The participants represented different stakeholders including local communities from refugee camps and their host communities, governmental sectors, and NGOs working in the project area.
The workshops are major milestones in the project marking the successful completion of the feasibility study phase. Presentations about the water resource studies and the engineering feasibility studies were delivered by the consulting firms (Acacia Water and RICOS), followed by a thorough discussion and feedback from the participants, and finally agreeing on the most favorable technical option from the feasibility study.
The R-WASH (R stands for "regional") is a KfW-funded program that aims at improving social cohesion in conflict-affected areas and communities in East Africa (Uganda, Ethiopia, Somalia, and Sudan) through an improved water supply, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services. Increased efficiency, affordability, and accessibility for equitable service delivery to refugees, IDPs, and host communities will contribute to a more peaceful co-existence between refugees, IDPs, and host communities.
In this project, RICOS is responsible for managing the subproject in East Sudan in collaboration with Acacia Water.

October 2022

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